
Here's  what clients have to say


"Laurel, Thank you for all the support you provided during my stay....I really don't think I would've been able to progress as I did if it weren't for your guidance.  You had faith and believed in me even when I didn't (Inpatient, 2018)."


"I cannot thank you enough for all you did for me during my stay ....  You always treated me with kindness and respect.  I always thought no one can get into my brain, but you found a secret door......Thanks again. Gratefully.....(Inpatient, 2015)."


"Laurel, right on, my wonderful MSW (Inpatient, 2015)."


"Thank you Laurel!  You are amazing.  I'll never forget you....  Thank you for helping me to the finish line, it is symbolic of being strong (Inpatient, 2013)."


Here's what clinicians have shared 


"As a substance abuse therapist for over 40 years, I can attest to the exceptional qualities that Laurel has in any social-work setting.  She is an exceptionally gifted family and addictions therapist, whose depth of knowledge and experience are very evident.  I have had many opportunities to watch her in action as she thoughtfully engages and easily connects with individuals and families in a therapeutic milieu, and while facilitating didactic psycho-educational lectures on several topics.  She has faced some of the most challenging  cases with enthusiasm, dedication, and an indefatigable spirit (S.O., LMSW, CAADC, inpatient therapist, 2018)."


"I am sharing a personal recommendation for Laurel Rebenstock.  I worked with Laurel when I was at Maplegrove and I also have worked with her quite a bit since I left Maplegrove. She has been one of my top referents.  I share this because I know that you will appreciate the fact that Laurel doesn’t just “process” people, she digs deep, searches for real solutions and she works hard to find resources for the client to best stack the deck for sustainable recovery.  I know this is exactly the “kind” of professional you strive to engage your clientele in long-term sustainable recovery.  I have also talked with many families she has engaged in treatment plans and know that she would be a great asset in helping families recover (S.R., Advanced Treatment Placement Specialist, 2018)."


Responses from community and clinical presentations


"I enjoyed working with you and I learned a lot from you (L.K., LMSW, CAADC, Community Education, 2018)."

"I want to personally thank you for presenting today at the lunch and learn.  Your talk was a lot of fun and we learned at the same time (J.J., LMSW, CAADC, 2017)."


Laurel, I've had nothing but positive comments about your presentation and I agree with them all. It was obvious that you knew your topic and had worked hard on your presentation. I'm only regretful that we couldn't do justice to the depths of your knowledge in the time allotted to us (S.W., LMSW, MSIPS, 2011)."